February 8, 2022

The neckline is one of the first areas of the body to show the signs of aging. From sagging jowls to loss of definition along the jawline to crepey, loose skin quality, most of us become concerned about at least one of these things by the time we turn thirty. Unfortunately, these concerns tend only to intensify with each passing decade. Luckily, there are many things we can do to prevent, treat, and correct the effect the clock has on our neckline. If you are just beginning to notice a loss of firmness and elasticity in the skin of your neck, non-surgical laser skin tightening may be an effective option to help smooth and define a more youthful-looking neckline!


What is SkinTyte™?

SkinTyte™ is a non-invasive form of laser skin tightening developed by the Sciton® laser company. It utilizes the power of targeted infrared energy to safely heat the deeper layers of your skin to a therapeutic level that is clinically proven to stimulate collagen production. As this fresh collagen grows and remodels over time, the overlying skin becomes firmer, tighter, and smoother.

How does SkinTyte™ work?

Collagen and elastin are integral proteins within our skin that keep it smooth, plump, firm, and elastic. The rate at which our bodies produce collagen begins to decline in our late twenties. As a result, we begin to notice the first signs of aging along our necklines. Loss of collagen in our cheeks can create a heavy look and cause slight “jowling” at the jawline. The skin just below our chin may begin to look slightly loose, and the overall skin quality on our neck can look crepey and deflated.

SkinTyte combats these signs of aging by introducing a safe and therapeutic level of heat to the deeper layers of skin, which shifts collagen production into overdrive! Once triggered, collagen will continue to reproduce at an elevated rate for up to three months. Multiple treatments with SkinTyte will further progress your results. Treatments are very comfortable and come with ZERO downtime.


Who is a good candidate for SkinTyte?

SkinTyte is best for patients who have healthy skin but are just beginning to notice some slight sagging to their face or neckline. It is NOT a surgical Neck Lift and cannot replicate the results seen with surgical intervention, so it is essential to have realistic expectations of what SkinTyte can do. When performed on an appropriate patient, SkinTyte can create noticeably tighter and firmer skin after several treatments. In fact, when performed regularly, SkinTyte can even improve your overall skin health and structure by keeping collagen and elastin in a constant state of stimulation.


What does a SkinTyte treatment feel like?

Oddly enough, SkinTyte is very comfortable. So much so that some patients even fall asleep during their 30-45 minute appointment! During your treatment, your Skin Artisans Advanced Practice Esthetician will cleanse your face and neckline and apply a thin layer of cooling gel so the laser handpiece can glide across your skin. She will place goggles or eye shields on your eyes to protect them from the bright flashing lights of the laser. You will feel your esthetician glide the handpiece over your lower face and neckline in a series of passes that get progressively warmer. A bright flashing red light will accompany these passes. Your skin will feel warm and may be slightly flushed and tight at the end of your treatment.


When will I see results with SkinTyte?

Immediately after your SkinTyte treatment, your skin may be flushed and feel tight and slightly swollen. This is partly due to the increase in circulation that the treatment causes. Most patients love the way their skin looks after SkinTyte because their complexion takes on a radiant, vibrant glow!

Although you may see a slight improvement to your lower face and neckline firmness with only one SkinTyte treatment, a series of at least six sessions is recommended for the best outcome. Once SkinTyte stimulates the collagen and elastin in your skin, production will continue at an accelerated rate for up to three months. That means your results of a SkinTyte series should be assessed three months after your last treatment. Your treatments can be scheduled as close to two weeks apart and will not require any downtime. This makes it very easy to fit a SkinTyte series into even the busiest lifestyle!

The results you achieve with SkinTyte are very dependent on the initial health and quality of your skin before treatment and how efficiently it can rebuild and renew itself after each treatment. Although your results can last up to several years, Skin Artisans encourages scheduling quarterly maintenance treatments after your series to see continued improvements in your lower face and neckline and keep them looking tighter, firmer, and more youthful-looking all year round!

Schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss SkinTyte™ with a Skin Artisans Advanced Practice Esthetician by calling (952) 234-8414, texting (952) 767-3163, or CLICKING HERE!