January 19, 2022

Do your 2022 resolutions include embracing a healthier lifestyle and reshaping your body? There is no denying that a clean diet and regular exercise routine can help you lose weight, increase muscle mass, and improve your overall health. Even so, many of us still battle stubborn areas of fat that prove to be resistant to diet and exercise. In this case, CoolSculpting® can help reduce these areas by permanently destroying up to 25% of treated fat cells in a single treatment. Skin Artisans has multiple CoolSculpting® devices, which allows us to provide “DualSculpting” treatments for our patients. By administering two treatments at once, our Certified CoolSculpting® Providers can help you achieve DOUBLE the fat loss results in half the time!



What are the benefits of “DualSculpting?”  

#1 – Achieves better results in less time

CoolSculpting® is the world’s most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment. Its FDA-cleared fat-freezing technology can permanently destroy up to 25% of treated fat cells during each treatment to the following areas:

  • Under the chin (submental fat) and along the jawline
  • Abdomen & Flanks
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Upper Arms
  • Bra Fat
  • Back Fat
  • Below the Buttocks



A traditional CoolSculpting® treatment takes 30-60 minutes depending on the body area treated. “DualSculpting” allows you to treat two places during this same time interval for faster results in less time.

#2 – Shorter treatment sessions

We’re all busy! If you’re someone who cherishes their free time, the idea of spending hours upon hours attached to a CoolSculpting® machine may sound daunting. Although a CoolSculpting® session does give you time to hop on your IPAD and catch up on emails or reading, if you’re short on time, “DualSculpting” may fit your busy lifestyle better. This method of CoolSculpting® cuts your treatment time in half without sacrificing your amazing results!

#3 – Improved symmetry of results

Symmetry is beautiful, especially when it comes to your body contouring results! “DualSculpting” achieves better balance in your results because your provider can administer an identical treatment to your arms or thighs at the same time.



#4 – You may see your overall results faster

It can take up to 12 weeks after your last CoolSculpting® treatment to see your full results. If you’ve spread your treatments out over several weeks, the rate at which your results kick in will also be staggered. “DualSculpting” can help condense your treatment program into fewer sessions. That means you’ll see results faster and be well on your way to reaching your body reshaping resolutions for 2022!

Are you interested in getting faster CoolSculpting® results with “DualSculpting?” Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Skin Artisans Certified CoolSculpting® Provider by calling (952) 234-8414, texting (952) 767-3163 or CLICKING HERE!