February 6, 2020

Are you one of the millions of Americans who resolved to lose weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle as part of your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions?  Congratulations!  Weight loss aspirations are popular! It’s time to look at CoolSculpting® non-surgical body contouring to help you reach your 2020 Resolutions!


What is CoolSculpting®?

Commonly referred to as “fat-freezing,” CoolSculpting® is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that harnesses the power of cryolipolysis to eliminate stubborn body fat.  Results are proven, lasting, and noticeable.

CoolSculpting® is an effective solution even for fat that is resistant to diet and exercise.


How does CoolSculpting® Work?

CoolSculpting® works by safely delivering a therapeutic level of cooling to an area of fat with a customized applicator. While the surface of your skin is protected, the cooling temperatures freeze and crystalize deeper fat cells creating apoptosis, a fat cell death. Your body naturally processes and eliminates these fat cells throughout the weeks following your treatment, leaving you a smaller, more sculpted version of you. The best part?  CoolSculpting® accomplishes this with no surgery, anesthesia, invasive techniques, and little to no downtime.


What happens during a CoolSculpting® treatment?

Before your treatment, you will meet with a Master CoolSculpting® technician at Skin Artisans.  During your one-on-one consultation, your Master Coolsculpting® technician will map out an entire plan to achieving your body sculpting goals for either one area of your body, or a complete CoolSculpting® body transformation.

CoolSculpting® can be used on the following areas:


During your CoolSculpting® treatment, you will experience a vacuum suction as the applicator draws your tissue into the applicator.  You will then feel a coolness against your skin as the applicator cools down to their therapeutic temperature.  Most patients eventually reach a point of numbness during their treatment.  While you are being treated, you can read, relax, watch Netflix, or even take a nap. Most patients find the experience very comfortable.


When completed, your technician will remove the applicator and massage the treatment area.  You may experience slight tenderness, swelling, and numbness in this area for up to four weeks after your treatment.  This response is completely normal and temporary.  You can return to your normal activities immediately following your procedure.

While many patients notice results in as little as four to six weeks after their first CoolSculpting® treatment, your most dramatic results will be seen between 8-12 weeks following your last treatment. Because CoolSculpting® destroys about 20-25% of treated fat cells with each treatment, you may require multiple treatment sessions to reach your desired outcome.

Results with your CoolSculpting® treatment are permanent, once fat cells have been destroyed they can no longer return.  It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to enjoy the results of your CoolSculpting® treatments and protect your investment.


Are you ready to rock your 2020 Resolutions with the help of CoolSculpting®?  Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Skin Artisans Licensed Esthetician to discuss reducing fat and transforming the shape of your body with CoolSculpting®! 

Call (952) 767-3163 today!