November 30, 2021


A clear, even complexion is one goal millions of women share worldwide.  It’s no wonder that products that claim to lighten dark spots and brighten our skin tone have sales that soar into the billions each year and take up a significant market share of the retail skincare industry.  But, not all dark spots on our skin come from the sun’s damaging UV rays.  Melasma is a hormonal skin condition that countless women battle every day.  Although it can be challenging to eradicate completely, Melasma can be successfully managed by specific products and treatments offered at Skin Artisans!



What is Melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition characterized by brown or blue-gray patches of pigment on the skin, especially the face, upper lip, neck, chest, and shoulders. Although both men and women may suffer from Melasma, over 90% of cases occur in women. Melasma is often called the “mask of pregnancy” because hormonal shifts in the body trigger it, and it commonly occurs during pregnancy. Melasma can affect women regardless of pregnancy, though, and occurs because the body’s hormones, once stimulated, tell the skin to overproduce pigment cells, or melanin. Melasma can result from the use of birth control pills, stress, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy. Although it is harmless, very common, and usually fades a few months after onset, many people find that their battle with Melasma is persistent and becomes a daily struggle.


How is Melasma different than sun damage?

Although Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation, its hormonal influences separate it from other hyperpigmentation-causing conditions like post-blemish scarring, freckles, dark spots caused by the sun, or eczema.


#1 – Your home-based skincare regimen

The first line of defense against Melasma is knowing your triggers. For many, this includes the heat and UV radiation that sun exposure induces. A daily SPF is essential to ensure that the skin’s melanocytes (pigment cells) do not get over-excited and pigmentation patches become darker.

Skin Artisans Favorites: Revision Intellishade®,  AlumierMD ClearShield SPF 42ZO® Skin Powder Sunscreens


Suppressing the skin’s melanin production and lightening existing hyperpigmentation are the next goals of your Melasma-based skincare strategy. Although controversial in some countries, hydroquinone is a popular ingredient that can help dramatically lighten patches of hyperpigmentation when cycled in treatment courses throughout the year. It can be problematic for darker skin types and should be used with caution in higher concentrations.

Other popular ingredients that help suppress melanin production and balance pigmentation are Niacinamide, Licorice Extract, and Tranexamic Acid. In many cases, pigmentation products are combined with retinol to enhance absorption and help exfoliate away top layers of damaged cells to reveal a brighter, more even complexion more quickly.

Skin Artisans Favorites: SkinMedica® Lytera 2.0AlumierMD® EvenTone



#2 – Chemical Peels


Chemical peels can be especially effective in managing Melasma. Not only do their exfoliating properties work intensely to lift away layers of damaged, pigmentated cells, but chemical peels can actually condition the skin to regulate melanin production. At Skin Artisans, our Advanced Practice Estheticians work with a powerful Melasma peel that we have compounded explicitly to target Melasma. Combined with a comprehensive skincare regimen, this peel can make significant improvements in Melasma and, in some cases, keep the skin clear and even for months on end.


The VI Peel® is also a pigment-busting powerhouse when it comes to treating Melasma. The VI Peel® is unique in that it can be applied anywhere on the body. Some women suffer from Melasma that spans down their neckline and creates dark patches of pigment across the chest, shoulders, upper back, and even upper arms. The VI Peel® Precision Plus combats pigmentation with a Lighten Booster and fast-acting Brightening Booster. This innovative peel effectively suppresses melanogenesis (pigment cell production) and promotes rapid cell turnover for improved skin tone.



#3 – HALO™ Fractionated Hybrid Laser

Treating Melasma with laser is controversial but can do wonders when used on an appropriate patient. The controversy stems from the heat that lasers may cause on the skin during treatment and the inflammation that occurs afterward during the healing process. BOTH of these factors can trigger overactive pigment production, especially in someone who suffers from Melasma. But, some Melasma patients, especially those with resilient skin that is not naturally “hyperactive,” may do very well with laser therapy. It is essential to partner with a skilled laser provider experienced in the treatment of Melasma with laser.

HALO™ is the world’s first hybrid fractional laser. This means it combines two different wavelengths of laser energy which allows your provider to essentially treat your skin at two different depths during one treatment. Unlike traditional laser resurfacing, which is ablative and removes the top layers of skin all at once, HALO’s fractionated technology treats a smaller percentage of the skin’s surface, allowing for faster healing and less downtime. HALO™ is highly customizable, affording your provider the opportunity to deliver a light or more aggressive treatment depending on your goals and your skin’s tolerance. The energy of the laser targets and breaks down melanin in the skin. In the days following a HALO™ treatment, patches of hyperpigmentation will slough away to reveal underlying skin that is much more even and bright!

Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Skin Artisans Advanced Practice Esthetician to discuss the best ways to treat and manage your Melasma by calling (952) 234-8414, texting (952) 767-3163, or CLICKING HERE.